#but i cant read it without thinking of that book and that film
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No shade but why did Harry Crosby name his memoir after the series of travel guides that Kevin's mum writes in We Need To Talk About Kevin? (A Wing and a Prayer)
Kinda sus if u ask me
#i am kidding#ofc#harry crosby WISHES he had what tilda swinton has#what lionel shriver has#nah i dont actually think he does#but i cant read it without thinking of that book and that film#probably doesnt help that i wrote my English lit a level final essay on it#i have read that book perhaps a concerning amount of times#my copy is heavily annotated#am i thinking of it a lot as i write the clegan scream au?#mayhaps#anyway that was all i had to say#hillyspeaks#we need to talk about kevin#harry crosby#a wing and a prayer
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Friendly reminder. Bruce Wayne hung up the suit and retired after THREATENING someone with a gun and this was his reaction.
And then his immediate reaction is to shut down and close the Batcave and his only words were. "Never again"
A truly tragic, but fitting way for Bruce’s career to end. Powerful stuff. Batman's career ended the same way it began: with a desperate man wielding a gun
Batman choosing not to be weak like Joe Chill >>>> Batman going on a killing spree because fighting crime is hard.
And by the way, since Zack Snyder says his inspiration was Dark Knight Returns, I got news for you, TDKR Batman doesn't kill either.

Zack Snyder is a complete blithering fucking idiot.
his statement on Batman just lines up with what I’ve seen from all of his work. He likes the idea of the comics he makes movies out of but he doesn’t actually understand their themes. A Batman that kills is pointless. An edgy Superman is not only the most boring way to write him, but doesn’t make any sense without the wholesome one. That’s why injustice Superman/brightburn/Plutonian/omniman/homelander kind of make sense in their own ways because the original exists to compare them to.(mostly also boring though) His take on watchmen was pretty much devoid of any of the actual commentary from the graphic novel, but instead was just a dark justice league that were pretty bad at their jobs. Rorschach was just framed as a kind of unhinged Batman, but still a badass that does good, which is wildly generous compared to the way he’s originally written. I can understand turning your brain off and coasting through an action movie, but his fans are delusional if they think he does any of these stories justice. I wouldn’t take any of his comments seriously if they would stop letting him make these mediocre movies.
Zack Snyder is all flash and no substance. His films are visually stunning but utterly lacking in compelling storytelling.
The point of Batman is he cannot 'stoop to their level'. He HAS to be better, he HAS to believe these criminals can be rehabilitated, because if he kills them, he becomes just like them. With his wit, his intellect, he could future proof the city against crime ever happening by just killing the criminals before they commit crimes based on probable statistics and similar themes. But a Batman who refuses to kill is a murderer by inaction. Every time he chooses not to put Joker in the ground, he's allowed him to slaughter dozens, hundreds more, just for a laugh. Batman is equally guilty for every one of those deaths, because he could simply kill the Joker, and stop him from ever killing again. But he doesn't. Snyder saying Batman can kill, Batman SHOULD kill, is to say that without batman doing so, or being able to, he is just as bad as the villians. Except dipshit doesn't even have his Batman kill The Joker. "Oopsie daisy, Joker got out and bombed a hospital full of people, sowwwwyyyy, I put him back in jail again dunt worry TeeHeee :3". And then next week we do it all over again. OR. You kill the Joker, and he never hurts another person again. Which is why Jason Todd works so well as a counter to batman, and SHOULD be what Snyder is looking into. The reason why Zod works so well as a villain is because Humans are flawed apes who cant be trusted to govern themselves and should be conquered, and Superman, a literal God, could fix all that, but doesn't, because of Hope. Its foolish, childish even, to consider that a solution. And when placed in the vacuum of a comic book it works because you have to suspend disbelief, and forget that Superman let a city full of people die while he punched Zod through skyscrapers.
If you want Batman to kill people, just go and read one of his 1784956th copies that kill people. Go read Midnighter. Go read Punisher. Go read Moon Knight. Go read Peacemaker. Go read Nighthawk. What is stopping you?
I'm sure all those characters have brought about the peace and prosperity and the crime-free society that a "killer Batman" was supposed to. "Punisher would clean Gotham in under a week", right, just like he cleaned Marvel's New York, didn't he?
It has to be Batman specifically the one doing the killing? The number of superheroes that kill is nowadays much higher than the number of heroes who don't. Remember how Hawkeye spent the better part of his existence being the most anti-killing Avenger? Nowadays he is known as a super-assassin that "never had a non-kill rule". Should heroes who don't kill go extinct?
I like that Batman doesn't kill people. I feel no need to turn him into something he isn't like it was done to Hawkeye. If I wanted a Batman that kills, I would go and read one of the thousand "Batman who kills" out there.
Batman should not kill and should never kill.
"Gotham would be better off if Batman just killed The Joker"
You. Miss. The. Entire. Point.
Bruce Wayne lost his parents to crime and Bruce Wayne is a child who died alongside his parents and was reborn as a creature dedicated to insuring it never happened to any other child. He made a vow never to reduce himself to the criminal scum’s level or to Joe Chill’s level. He never kills for a reason.
Batman not killing is what makes him so compelling, if he kills criminals, there is no moral conflict, he is no better than the Punisher, Wolverine or any other dark edgy hero. Hell, if he starts to take a life, Batman is no better than Ra’s Al Ghul.
In the Daredevil Netflix show, Frank Castle told Daredevil this “That’s not how this works. You cross over to my side of the line, you don’t get to come back from that. Not ever.” That alone is why Batman should not kill, not even The Joker. Bruce Wayne is not Frank Castle, stop trying to make him Frank Castle. I mean…Stan Lee was absolutely disgusted when someone called The Punisher a hero, Frank Castle is a murderer, not a hero. How is this so hard for people to understand?
I don’t want to hear that Batman killed in the old comics and I don’t want to hear Elseworld stories. It’s an established fact that Batman does not kill and it’s a big part of his character.
Guess what? We already got a Bruce who killed The Joker, it happened in the Burtonverse/Schumacherverse and he was disgusted with himself. “So, you're willing to take a life.” “Long as it's Two-Face.” “Then it will happen this way: You make the kill, but your pain doesn't die with Harvey, it grows. So you run out into the night to find another face, and another, and another, until one terrible morning you wake up and realize that revenge has become your whole life. And you won't know why.”
A huge part of Bruce’s character is that he doesn’t kill, no matter what. Same with Clark. But edgelord writers from the New 52, DCEU and the Injustice abominations think it’s cool to make heroes kill. Heroes should not kill. You can’t be a hero and a killer. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!
Guess what would happen if Batman kills The Joker? The Joker wins. The Joker and Batman are each trying to prove a point to society - and really to us, the readers. The Joker wants Batman to kill him because he perfectly embodies chaos and anarchy and wants to prove a point to everyone that people are basically more chaotic than orderly. This is why he is so scary: we are worried he may be right. If the Joker is right, then civilization is a ruse and we are all truly monsters inside. If the Joker can prove that Batman - the most orderly and logical and self-controlled of all of us - is a monster inside, then we are all monsters inside, and that is terrifying. The Joker is terrifying because we fear that we are like him deep down - that he is us. Batman is what we (any average person) could be at our absolute best, and the Joker is what we could be at our absolute worst. The Joker’s claim is that we are all terrible deep down, and it is only the law and our misplaced sense of justice that keeps us in line. Since Batman isn’t confined by the law, he is a perfect test case to try to get him to "break.” The Joker wants Batman to kill a person, any person, but knows that the only person Batman might ever even remotely consider killing would have to be a terrible monster, so is willing to do this himself and sacrifice himself to prove this macabre point. Batman needs to prove that it is not just laws that keep us in line, but basic human decency and our natural instinct NOT to kill. If Batman can prove this, then others will be inspired by his example (the citizens of Gotham, but again, also the readers), just as we are all inspired every day to keep civilization running smoothly and not descend into violence, anarchy, and chaos. This ability to be decent in the face of the horrors and temptations present all around us is humanity’s superpower, the superpower of each of us. The struggle of Batman and the Joker is the internal struggle of each of us. But we are inspired by Batman’s example, not the Joker’s, because Batman always wins the argument, because he has not killed the Joker.
Batman not killing matters. Batman stories to me are the ultimate tale of turning pain and suffering into something positive. That is a story that everyone can relate to because let's be honest here. The world can suck. I've experienced and probably will always experience feelings of fear of depression of anger of angst. It's in my nature as a human being to experience those things. It's in all our nature it is what we choose to do with that pain that we all feel that defines us. Batman chose to turn all those negative emotions, he feels into a symbol that can bring people. Hope that Batman will save us from pain but more importantly hope that we can all be Batman. Why do we fall? And Batman Begins explains this best “Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
Yes, Bruce Wayne is a flawed crazy person. He is at times mean stubborn and even abusive but he is still good. He is still someone we can aspire to be. We can try our hardest to be Superman but no human being can fly, but we can still try to be Batman We can all try to turn our pain into something good when I see Batman killing people or fans saying he killed before and he should kill The Joker, It pains me. It actually hurts my soul. Batman is not about finding a way to kill evil. But try to redeem it. His mission is an impossible task. Maybe he should kill people. Maybe he should kill The Joker, but what makes him fascinating what makes him a hero Is the fact that he has that moral code and stopped himself from crossing that line That's why I always looked up to Batman even as a kid despite all the adult subtext or mature themes superheroes are for kids. And killing is not Batman and it is not Bruce Wayne. This is why I hated the portrayal in the DCEU and the Burtonverse and why I really hated the implication that Batman killed The Joker in Batwoman. A Batman who kills is certainly not Bruce Wayne, that is an interpretation of Bruce Wayne that completely misses the point of Batman. It's easy to kill. Batman does not make the easy choice… Batman does not kill.
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my opinions on the 2002 the count of monte cristo film
Idek why i even do this to myself anymore, why do i even try to watch any movie adaptations of books with complex female characters. I finished the 2002 the count of monte cristo film and in short it was absolutely horrible. I hated how much the story changed/removed so many detrimental things to the plot. Aswell as the characters, the thing i hated most was how horrible they portrayed mercedes. Ofc I didnt like how they portrayed any of the characters truly, but what made me the most upset was how mercedes was done. Im beginning to see a pattern among female "love interests" in these types of adaptations. They are always watered down to being helplessly reliant on men around them. rather than being able to be their own person all they become is the shadow of the men around them. A big thing about all of this is the fact that its a movie. A story this complex and this long should in no way be turned into just a movie. Anyways, mercedes never loved fernand and was taken advantage of by him when she was at her lowest, and moved on from edmond a long time ago. By the end the only person that was on her mind was her son. She was at peace with edmond after she got everything off her chest and was ready to let him go. So in no way should she be reliant only on one man when she is fully capable of having her own articulate thoughts and is completely fine on her own. And about fernands character, which i do not support what he did, just from picking up the book i know that he would never say anything along the lines of "whore" about her. They made his whole character revolve around his love for mercedes rather than showing the true evil side of him, such as his past with haydee (who wasnt even in the movie) and how he was overly obbsesed with his honor. He even shot himself in the end over losing it. The way he was characterized in this movie just sucked really. Another thing i absolutely hated the was the watered down revenge plan. In the original novel edmonds plans for revenge were complex and lasted years to complete, but in this movie, which again should not have been a movie in the first place, took his revenge plan and threw it out the window. As said in the movie itself "death is too good for them" but then he turns his back on that and just kills his enemies rather than giving them the long agonizing suffering just as he had to go through. He becomes too lively, rather than the revenge filled spirit of a man he is supposed to be. Also, by the end of it, edmond wanted to let go of his past life, along with mercedes. He no longer had any desire to live a life with her after feeling so betrayed, even after he figured out her side of the story. He just wanted to let it all go and this adaptation took that away from him. The lack of such important characters in the story such as the entire morrell family plus a few of the villeforts really put the nail in the coffin of his final grasps of humanity. Without these people edmond would be as good as a walking corpse. He wouldnt have any belief in love if it wasn't for julie and emmanuel. He wouldn't have any desire to protect anyone if it wasnt for Maximilian and valentine. He wouldn't have felt any remorse or have fallen from his trance of revenge if it wasn't for edwards death. He would have lost all hope in humanity if it wasnt for morrell being the only one who hadn't betrayed him after so long. These people are all detrimental to edmonds character development and they were either removed completely or given a different role in the story. All of this shows the person who made this adaptation didn't care to even open the book and read a few sentences, all they thought was "ooo cool revenge guy who had his girl stolen....this will make for a good movie!" This is the worst thing someone could do to such a masterpiece and i think if we cant learn to interpret books how they are meant to be interpreted then we have no business trying to turn them into any type of movie/film adaptation
Sorry for the rant i just had to get this out
#the count of monte cristo#Edmond dantes#mercedes herrera#mercedes de morcerf#fernand mondego#Count de mercerf#Morrell#Gerard de villefort#tcomc#valentine de villefort#The count of monte cristo 2002
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i have a lot of postal dude headcanons, so ive split them up.
so heres my postal 1 dude headcanons
p1 dude has a special interest on the jets and weaponry used in ww2 and the vietnam war, but also the U.S military as a whole. he specifically likes to collect vintage U.S military memorabilia and propaganda. he can go on for hours about the faults of the government and government greed and corruption, he hates the system. he also knows a lot about JFK assassination theories and will go on for hours about them.
oh yeah. postal 1 dude is autistic.
he also has a spin on guns. he knows them all by name and loves to learn about different manufacturers and how each one are built. he knows how to deconstruct them and put them back together. he even has some guns he's made himself. legal? probably not. he doesnt care.
p1 dude also prefers reading in books for information instead of searching the web for them, so amongst the mess of his house is just piles upon piles of books.
p1 dude also is great at poetry. he loves writing too, which is why i think he started his diaries.
he also loves drawing! he loves going out and drawing scenery the most, he also likes drawing nude figures. he finds the human body to be interesting.
p1 dude is religious. im divided on if i see him as someone whos spiritually aligned closer to catholics (though i wouldnt call him a straight up catholic, he doesn't like the church.) or pagen.
talking about pagen dude, correct me if im wrong, i dont know much about pagenism (but ive been trying to learn more as of recent), but he specifically worships greek gods. out of the gods, his favorite is ares.
he hangs around poostall dude a lot. they arent really friends, they're kinda opposites of each other, but poostall looks up to him as a mentor in philosophy among other things.
he used to be active in his local punk scene when he was younger. he has a lot of cds and tapes of obscure bands that almost no one has heard of.
he loves metal more then anything though, and he also has a large collection of horror films (all on vhs, a few of dvd. he doesnt have his dvd player plugged in so he only uses it if he has too. also refused to buy blueray. if its the only option he burns it onto a disk himself.).
his favorite genres of metal are melodic death metal and prog metal. i would also say dsbm but i feel like thats too corny. he loves opeth. also death.
he's non-speaking most of the time by choice. the older he's gotten the more he started to isolate himself, and he usually chooses to ignore people when theyre talking and not respond at all, mainly just people who ask for directions and stuff on the street he'll just ignore. he just doesnt feel the need too, he likes to stay invisible.
talking about that, he hates leaving his house. it used to be because of anxiety but it slowly became due to his other mental health issues getting worse, especially his fear of everyone being out to get him/everyone else being demons/whatever your interpretation of his reasonings behind postal 1 is.
3 in one shampoo. also uses hand soap to shave instead of shaving cream. also uses hand soap to wash his face...
he needs glasses. his sunglasses also has his normal prescription lenses in them, his eyes are sensitive to light so he chose to make them sunglasses too (i believe this is possible. if its not, well it is now). he also has a 2nd pair that are just normal glasses, he uses them only to read or when he's walking around his house at night. (this is totally not me self reflecting with the realization that i just found out i need glasses..../s)
I DONT KNOW HOW I FORGOT TO MENTION but also has a special interest on nuclear disasters, nuclear power plants, and radiation. theyre not separate theyre all apart of one fixation that branches off the core idea of nuclear power. like he cant have one without the other. if that makes sense.
also uses he/they. he doesnt out right say it, he doesnt use social media so its not like, in a bio or anything. he just naturally picked it up. will also accept she being used to refer to himself, but is not something he states publicly or asks people to do. he was surrounded by the queer community growing up as most of his highschool friends were apart of the community so he just one day realized he wasnt opposed to it being used in reference to himself.
he is an ASSHOLE. he used to be more considerate in his youth but the older he got the grumpier he got. he is SCARY when he insults someone. like he will have an entire ass speech of him just degrading someone until they literally have nothing left to say for themselves.
doesnt get angry though. he's calm when hes upset and frustrated, or will straight up just make fun of and make harsh jokes about the situation (i mean that like. if he gets into a disagreement with someone on the street he will laugh at them and mock them by teasing them. thats what i mean.)
#sorry i love p1 dude so much. like so much.#i think about him way too much.#im so not normal about him#please correct any incorrect info in here crying emoji#postal#postal dude#postal headcanons#postal dude headcanons#postal 1#rws#running with scissors#p1 dude#postal 1 dude
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Some Code Lyoko headcanons I have had over the past couple of months:
Out of all the things Odd has pursued in art-wise, he loves painting and film-making the most, as it doesn't matter how messy or terrible it could be, he just loves trying his best (and would argue that whatever it is, IS art, and lists off the reasons why it's so great in a heartbeat)
When Aelita first came to earth, she ate too much ice cream at once, and thought she was dying when getting a brain freeze (she LOVES caramel with her ice cream, she cant do without it)
William is a HUGE theater kid, he could recite his favorite play quote for quote in a heartbeat (I can't say what his favorite could be because I've only seen Heather's, and I'd probably make some people mad lmao)
After months of Aelita lecturing him about 'getting some fresh air once in awhile,' Jeremie unintentionally picked up a habit of sitting at a particular bench while in intense thought (when they defeated Xana, he would often sit there and think of miniscule school related problems, and thinks of Aelita whenever he passes by that bench)
Out of all of Xanas monsters, Odds favorite are the Hornets because "Sure, they're pests, but they helped improve my aim, and now I always know where to shoot, theyre practically nothing now" (he HATES megatanks to death, he often asks someone else to deal with one if they pop up)
Yumi is a huge fan of classic literature, and often asks William if there's any books she would like, as he too loves it (they would often talk about different plot points they liked or despised in a certain book they read)
Ulrich loves to indulge in his Pencak Silat training, as often that's how he can express himself (it's the only thing he truly likes to do, and his father doesn't bug him about it)
(This takes place during Evo) after William got integrated into the group again, he and Aelita often get together to do their nails, while eating pizza secretly after hours (the two think they're so bad) Aelita often tries eyeliner as well, and William always compliments her no matter how good or terrible it is
Yumi definitely went to Kyoto when she was a little older, as she was already talking about it in the series
William had braces up until he was 13, he would often complain how "braces didn't look cool on him" and "my teeth are already straight" until his parents finally obliged, getting them removed a couple days prior to being expelled (he hated smiling for photos during that time, as he had this punk look to him, while having very obvious braces on) (he wears retainers to bed when he was at Kadic)
Odd and Aelita had this ongoing bet, where one set a bet that either Yumi or Ulrich confessed first, the prices raising every week (when they did, the number was up to the thousands, and neither one could pay each other, even if they wanted to, but that doeant mean they dont joke about it)
(This one's more of an observation from Evo) William LOVES going to Lyoko, giving him the thrill he wanted in life, but he has repressed rage back when he was Xanafied for months, often taking it out on Xanas creatures as if to make a point that he HATES Xana for what he did to him (often being rather brutal in the way he fights)
Jeremie will always keep the photos he took with Aelita the first day she came to earth, and often treat it as a precious item of his (and would complain for anyone slightly damages it)
Ulrich and Yumi often bonded over the fact that before meeting Odd and the others, that they were two lonely kids in their own families, both liking the fact that they related strongly to one another due to their strict family lives (this was when Hiroki wasn't there at the time)
Jeremie is obviously very bad at expressing his emotions, but he holds his freinds dear to him, but doesn't know how to show that, so instead back then he'd buy small cheap gifts for everyone as he saw on the internet "gift-giving is a good way to express your gratitide to people that are dear to you" (evreyone eventually convinced him to stop as he was spending too much)
Back when, Williams mom often was overly affectionate, and Will was always "Mooomm stoooooppp-" but after being Xanafied for months (Which must really be disorienting having the month be May, and then the next being fucking December or some shit) he doesn't mind his parents being affectionate, as he realized just how important they are to him
After William being dished on the lore that happened (because I'm sure nobody told him much) he and Aelita had a invisible bond with each other as they were both Xanafied (alot,) they often comfort each other if one had a nightmare or whatnot, very wholesome
And so on, I should stop because I have too much on my mind (I can make a part 2, Def)
Ulrich hates to admit it, but he and Will are very simular, as the two have a 'older brother' vibe to them in the group, and they often argue with each other often, arguing who "has to" protect each other (William often using the excuse that "he's the older one")
#code lyoko#william dunbar#aelita schaeffer#odd della robbia#ulrich stern#yumi ishiyama#jeremie belpois#code lyoko evolution
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okay so there is one specific piece of advice he gives which i have a problem with. heres the quote:
“Fall in love and stay in love. Explode. Don’t intellectualize. Get passionate about ideas. Cram your head full of images. Stay in the library. Stay off the internet and all that crap. Read all the great books. Read all the great poetry. See all the great films. Fill your life with metaphors. And then explode.”
which, that advice is MARVELOUS. that is grade A advice right there. however, i have a problem with the “stay off the internet” thing…the internet is my HOME. i physically cannot stay off of the internet no matter how much i try. id set a goal, and then go right back. the internet is where all my friends are, i cant leave!
but the internet is also home for a lot of my ideas, or the source for a majority of them. now, i understand he probably meant social media. however, there are so many good medias to explore!!! without the internet, there wouldnt be the object show community! there wouldnt be any object shows at all! if youre not brainrotting yourself and slowly wearing away and eliminating your brai. cells, the internet can be a good place to get and share ideas, as well as inspiration…
also, he said to fall in love and stay in love? im aroace…/j staying and being in love is a hard thing to do, not something we can really have control over. /j again (i get what he means and hes right)
i dont have a library. i cannot go to a library. unless you want me to go for a one hour drive, the school library is only open on mondays, and they dont send us any longer anyhow. so im going to have to rely on yhe internet for ebooks, or buying books, or going to barnes and noble. which im not particularly against…i love barnes and noble ❤️❤️❤️
i cant really understand what he means by “dont intellectualize”. dont get smart with it??? what??? in my humble opinion, i think any piece of media is GREAT when it has references or easter eggs or far-fetched implications or any of that stuff!!! it shows that you really care about what you do, and its even an opportunity to learn sometimes…
but in the end, thats just me. i mean this guys was born in the 1920s and died in 2012, i dont really know what i could have expected. also this isnt an attack on ray bradbury, i love him, and hes a great author. and i also love this specific piece of advice that he gives…i like how hes encouraging people to find inspiration, and to get started on things. you dont need permission. uou dont need permission to expand your interests and literacy. and you know what?? poetry is cool. books are really cool. films are cool. and inspiring. so im glad that he got that message out there
writing this while eating digestives there's probably spellingmkstakes
the internet can be a wonderful place, you're right!! making friends on here is something that people enjoy doing, and gives some people the sense of joy, talking to these people
it also comes with so many forms of media, circulating all around the world — so many shows, so many pieces and bits that make up a full puzzle, and some strive to complete their own puzzle when they get on here.. the internet has so many wonderful things that have been made on here, and a good amount of supportive people to go along with it
fall in love and stay in love is quite straightforward on his part.. when you fall in love, it's like an overwhelming thrush of feelings, and you sometimes feel blinded by these feelings, asking yourself what's next, and why are you acting like this. i think that it's hard to stay in love, especially with the way people generally treat relationships currently — seeing it as more of a thing you do for the thrill rather than the tender experience of love from another person, having the chance to develop into something stronger
but you can always fall out of love.. it doesn't have to be that you always love one person forever, because it alternates for everyone.. some may stay with their first, others are still embarking on that journey of finding that person who they ultimately click with
buying books is great! when you have a book, reading it at a slower pace helps you take the general idea in — adding to your whole world of ideas.. trapping all the information in and nerding out about books and other things is something people should do more
books ARE cool, films are cool.. all these things are cool, and even if someone tells you it's lame, that's them. you taking the time to enjoy these things makes you even cooler, and it's good to have that perspective of where things that are considered 'nerdy' are seen as cool
but that's just me ꒰ · ◡ · ꒱
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Watching every Dracula adaptation! #2
Dracula (1931) starring Bela Lugosi
Next up is the first authorised film adaptation of Dracula. The movie is actually based on a play adaptation from 1924, which explains some of the changes they made.
Should you watch it? Yes, but not for the reasons you might think. The movie is very funny (not intentionally), great to watch with friends. It is also free to watch on the Internet Archive. It is still recognizably the story of Dracula, but a lot of the details have been changed, especially the characters, so beware of that if that bothers you.
↓ Character and Story Changes + notable moments under the keep reading. ↓
Character Changes: -Renfield takes up Jonathans role of the young solicitor traveling to Transylvania in the beginning of the movie. Until he is put under Draculas influence where goes back to his book version after that. Dwight Fryes performance as essentially both Jonathan and Renfield are both very entertaining. Like that man is giving 200%. -With Bela Lugosi starring as Dracula, this movie was definitely the starting point of the sexy-fication of the character. Even thought I think this Dracula has even worse social skills than his book counterpart. -Mina is actually Jack Seward’s daughter in the movie, I assume this change was made to explain why the main characters would be hanging around at the sanatorium. Personality wise she is a bit blander than her book counterpart, partially because she spents a good chunk of her screen time under Draculas influence. -John Harker (just John, not Jonathan in this version) has been definitely changed for the worse. They made him the sceptic that doesn’t understand what is going on and is constantly doubting Van Helsings advice. He feels a bit more like a douchy version of Arthur than Jonathan. -Like I said, Jack Seward is Mina’s father in this version and is the character in name only and in the fact that he owns a sanatorium. -Lucy (her surname has been changed to Weston) is a single girl since Arthur and Quincey don’t appear. She has a stronger interest in the macabre and has a small crush on Dracula (despite everything about him). -Van Helsing gets a lot of good lines in the movie, he seems a lot less eccentric, and Dracula remarks that he has heard of him. But he is not yet the badass expert vampire hunter later movies make of him. -The movie also added two prominent characters the sanitarium worker Martin the and nurse Briggs, which both serve as a kind of comic relief. Story Changes: -As far as I know this is the first time the female vampires (Draculas roommates) are referred to as his wives. -We get a lot more scenes from the point of view of Dracula -Dracula actually introduces himself to the main characters as their next door neighbour and casually comes over for conversation before they find out he’s a vampire -Lucy dies very shortly after being introduced, but the plotline of the gang trying to keep her alive was given to Mina instead - The ending is surprisingly anticlimactic. They find Dracula lying in his coffin in Carfax Abbey, Van Helsing kills him off-screen, while John looks for Mina. -Afterwards Van Helsing also says they should leave without him, they do and then the movie just ends
Notabel Moments: -The movie starts with Swan Lake out of all songs and then is dead silent when it comes to background music afterwards -The opossums and armadillos (classical Romanian wildlife)

-this GIANT BEE (totally not a normal sized Bee jerusalem cricket in a miniature coffin)

-The BATS!!! Oh my god the spirit halloween bats! The bat driving the carriage?! -the spirit halloween plastic spider on a string -”I never drink... wine.” is such an iconic line, that I was surprised it’s not from the book, this also goes for ”the strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him” -The best scene in cinema history! I cant do it justice by explaining it, you’ll have to watch it yourself, it’s at 1:03:20
Next Up: Dracula (1958) starring Christopher Lee
#if anyone has any tips on how I could improve these reviews#like the structure and stuff#let me know#dracula daily#dracula 1931#bela lugosi#dracula#dracula adaptations
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#🩵 ૮꒰ྀི ୨ ៸៸៸ ୧ ྀི꒱ა ; TAG GAME hii !! i was tagged by @philosophika ( thank you !!!! ) for Get To Know Me Tag Game! !!

... the last song i listened to

a million miles away by belle ( but honorable mention to cassandra by florence & the machine and pessimist by lithe bc i had them on repeat before doing this game )
... favorite color or colors
pink and brown !! mostly a red pink bc i hate purply pinks / blue pinks ( well i don't hate them but i dont think they look as nice ;; ) and you can never go wrong with a nice brown 😋
... last tv show or film i watched

justice league crisis on infinite earths part one. it was alrrrrrr like i wasn't losing my mind over it 😭
... currently watching

lamb — i started watching this ( with my sister and her friend ) after justice league but i fell asleep LOL so we'll probably finish at some point
... currently reading
i read more than one book at a time and this list is definitely longer but these are the ones i keep circulating between:
the brothers karamazov
omniscient reader's viewpoint
danter's inferno
alice's adventures in wonderland + through the looking glass ( it's a two in one ! )
also the bible but mostly for research purposes KSDBS
... sweet, spice, or savoury
savoury <33 spice makes my stomach hurt </3 and i just cant eat sweets the same way like when i was a kid without getting really sick 😭
... last thing i searched online + last thing i searched online for writing purposes
combining bc they're literally both the same : alternative spellings to the name cassandra ( i just settled on cassandra ... for now 👁 )
... current obsession

jasonnnnnn 😵���😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫 the thing is i KNOW there are more things but when i just think of him and its all white noise 💔
i'm tagging ( no pressure !! ) : @bi-luminescentdragon , @writingwithsnails , @inkovert , @emberlyric , @mybodyisaflowerbed and anyone else who'd like to participate !!
#FINALLy getting around to this <3#tagged.#if i tagged you and you dont like being tagged in things pls lmkk and im sorry ;0;
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lyrics that stood out to me from bright future! because they’ve been swarming in my mind all day and my knitting needles are tired and i think adrianne can see into my soul and i need to put it down somewhere.
- real house
“im a child humming into the clarity of black space”
“when i was seven i saw the first film that made me scared. and i thought of this whole world ending, i thought of dying unprepared”
“i wanted so much for magic to be real”
“i never saw you cry, not until our dog died”
- sadness as a gift
“leaning on a windowsill, you could write me someday and i think/bet/hope you will”
“maybe the question was too much to ask”
“you and i could see into the same eternity, every second brimming with majesty”
“you could hear the magic inside my mind, and you showed me a place i’ll find even when im old”
- fool
“you could love me through and through, if i were him, would you be my family too?”
“we could watch a garden grow, we could grow old.”
“birds gotta fly, i’ll love you till i die”
- no machine
“don’t know what i’d do, don’t know what i’d do without you”
“the wind across my back, i feel the shiver”
- free treasure
“sometimes i think i try too hard, i trip on my shoes and i trip on my shirt”
“just when i thought i couldn’t feel more, i feel a little more”
“i can tell you anything. i can say anything”
- vampire empire
“i see you as you see yourself through all the books you read”
“you give me chills”
“protecting and dissecting till you’ve emptied every hour”
“you lay upon my pillow and you open like a flower”
“i wanted to be your woman, i wanted to be your man”
“i wanted to hear you scream”
- evol
“you have my heart, i want it back”
“words hold, words hold, words from meaning”
- candleflame
“i feel god here and there, people tell me its everywhere”
“how about the moon looking back, saying glad your here”
- already lost
“the mirror is your eye on mine”
- cell phone says
“we hold the line through the static sprawl”
“we meet in dreams by the lilac river”
“please deliver their angel eyes, on the wings of moths and dragonflies”
- donut seam
“and like a moth into the sun i flew infront of everyone and burned up in the flame, now its pouring acid rain”
“don’t it seam like a good time for kissing?”
- ruined
“until im brave enough to call you, i just fall through every time”
“i wish i’d waved when i saw you, i just watched you passing by”
“cant get enough of you, you come around i’m ruined”
“so much coming through, every hour too”
“and we drew to alignment, as the water soaked the pillow”
- once a bunch
“on a tuesday in august, i was holding your hand”
“your lips are electric like lightning and rain”
“you pulled on my shoestrings and you opened my brain”
“you take me to the invisible lost and found, where i can find a sweater or an old love letter”
totally in love with bright future🦌
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people i want to get to know better
thank u sm @sylviaplathenthusiast YOURE SO COOL
last song: she’s thunderstorms by arctic monkeys
fav colour: used to be pink but now it’s dark red i think? maybe it’s a more mature version of pink idk
last film/show: i’m watching life with the walter boys but kinda as a joke haha
sweet/savoury/spicy: i cant handle anything spicy and i’m allergic to a lot of sweet things so prbly savoury!
relationship status: FINALLY GOT A GF 🤭
last thing i googled: how to act drunk (ITS FOR DRAMA GCSE OK)
current obsession: the last dinner party! they need more songs
last book: the perks of being a wallflower (SO good but can’t read it without crying)
looking forward to: seeing hamilton live again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mwah xxx
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wow hi sorry im still not done complaining. i think my main issue with the films in conparision to the show and why the show is better is that like hannibal. hannibal felt like it had nothing to do with the core aspects of hannibals character. you could replace him w any other guy and it would just be some thriller/action film n honestly i wouldnt have bothered watching it. i checked it out bc i thought hannibal film!! this is so gonna be utilizing the unique aspects of hannibals world view and relationships that make his character appeal to me. and it kind of didnt. if that makes sense idk. as for clarice i love her but what the fuck did they have her doing in this movie.. what was going on really. i just couldnt take it seriously and it was boring!! idk if i have a problem but i struggled to find this film interesting

^1st part
hi im so sorry im just seeing this uhhh uhm can we hold hands and walk into the sunset together because. YEAH. FUCKING. YEAH.
the hannibal movie was so god awful to me and made. so so much worse by watching the show first for sure😭 but i cant evem fathom having liked it even without the context of what beauty awaited me with the show.
literally what is even happening first of all.. give me a summary of the plot. you have two minutes and you cant google it. secondly why is he the rudest fucking person on earth. is his whole thing not "eat the rude"??????? thirdly thomas harrisons extreme sexism and homophobia is so fucking damaging to both hannibal and clarice and any prospect if a relationship they could ever have lol ! insinuating that he holds this love for her, that he ""changes"" for her at the end of the movie by choosing to mutilate himself instead of her. i mean it doesnt hold a candle to the show but also like. girl.. be so serious
also idk if u have read the book but part of the reason that that was such a horribke unsatisfying ending was because the book ending is super different and so entirely sexist and disgusting that the writers that wrote clarice and her character relationships as they did refused to write it .......
the red dragon movie i think had a lot of potential and i could have liked it if the acting wasnt genuinely fucking awful. like are you not grown ass movie star adults why does this suck. sorry (i am not sorry at all)
and FINALLY i have not seen hannibal rising yet because ive heard it was long and tedious and similar to what youve said😭 but i do really enjoy the book so far. im not sure how different they are and how much of the tediousness is just weird translation from book to movie vs entire rewrite but i havent found it unbearably tropish at this point and id say im at least a third of the way through
ok sorry for rambling and sorry also that this is 11 days late😭 i just happened to be going through my inbox and saw it ugh
#ash is mentally ill#hannibal#hannibal rising#red dragon#mutuals tag#asks!!!#gorotic#sanctifiedinside
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thank u @fireryn for the tag, this will be the one thing i accomplish today!
Last song/piece I listened to: as i'm writing this, its just like you imagined by nine inch nails. i'm going through a phase rn and they r all i can listen to, in addition to rounds of hoziers discography.
Last book I read: hate to say it but i only read non-fiction books for fun research purposes now, i think the last one i read in the library is some book on the history of animation, i really should have wrote the name down but i forgot. if fanfiction counts i just read man to man by leukozyna.
Last film I watched: la haine, think its a classic french film? i got a mubi account and was intrigued so i watched it. NO . no no last film was DUNE 2. we watched it in imax and it was so awesome,, when timmy was riding the worm i thought i was going to die. actually i cant remember, but im pretty sure i watched dune after la haine. either or.
Last TV series: doctor who rewatch in progress... for david tennant.. very embarrassing of me.... i didnt even watch the seasons without him. i suffer from "actually do not gaf about scifi but will watch this one thing for this one guy"
Last thing I googled: besides the usual social medias and ao3, its robert valley's wikipedia page. i had to check the names of his projects, and i love his work!
Last thing I ate: rice and stingray 😋
Sweet, savory, or spicy: currently im craving some chocolate cake, so sweet i guess.
Amount of sleep: unemployed amounts of sleep (like 7 to 8h?? im living the life tbh) this will probably change once i go into school HAHA
Currently reading: ouh... erms..... i have several art books in rotation, im meaning to finish trees in art by charles watkins, one of art in catholicism, vision by hans p bachar (i recently learned that he taught at one of the local schools here which is crazy???), think those are the main ones.
i will tag : @trisloshr, u know what im tired of this if ur my mutual and u think this is fun u should do it . im tagging all of u. just ESPECIALLY u, LIL
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Have you seen the prequel movie? If yes🌹>>>
A. In your opinion, please rate TBOSAS movie with 1-10 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 10 = I love it.)
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
B. For people who also read the novel.
Your opinions about the difference between the book and the movie :
Thank you 🎼
I saw it for my birthday! I haven’t been on tumblr since before it came out but i have NOT STOPPED TALKING ABOUT THIS MOVIE, i have literally thought about it every single day since i saw it and its definitely 10/10
Everyone did such a phenomenal job, im so glad they had the same director who knew all the lore and everything, the casting was incredible, i loved that they had big names like Viola Davis and Peter Dinklage but also brought in newer and lesser known actors for the younger cast i thought that was really cool
Im a big visual person and and a technical theatre kid so i was simply in awe of the set and costuming, it was just so beautiful to look at in every way this film truly blew me away
I mentioned before i was worried that it would be difficult to show what Coryo was thinking because, as a manipulative narcissist, he doesn’t let his true emotions through often, and while there could never be as much detail as in the books i really believe they did the absolute best of their ability to show what he is thinking and that was very impressive! Its all in those beautiful blue eyes
It was sad we didnt get to see more of the Covey because i think showing Lucy Grays relationship with her family really parallels Katniss’ relationship with Prim and Rue, but i get why they had to cut it out for times sake (RELEASE THE DELETED FOOTAGE)
I have had the soundtrack on repeat for days, i adore the bonus songs (and tbh its gotten me into bluegrass again) they are so catchy and so fully of meaning and raw emotion aahhhh
It was so exciting seeing these scenes that i enjoyed reading so much appear on screen, it was such a faithful adaptation, and even better, it seemed like every change made was purposeful, it wasn’t changed for the sake a being different from the book, it was intentional
Im just obsessed with the parallels and the explanation of why katniss terrifies snow so much, i think it (the book and movie) did a great job explaining why snow does what he does and how he gets to where he ends up with sympathy, but without excusing any of his actions which is very important.
I could go on and on and on about the meanings and implications and what it means for our society today but im guessing if you are reading this you already know all that haha
TLDR: i though the movie was fantastic, best birthday present i could have, cant wait till it comes out on streaming/bluray, it wasn’t without flaws but it was pretty darn close, incredible in every way, great job everyone
Thanks @curiousnonny
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Weekly Tag Wednesday
ive had a hellish week and im so glad its halfway over
thank you for tagging me @jrooc
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?
logan roy because it would be hilarious and iconic
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
i've always wanted a little bunny, but alas, time and effort are objects
what is your Chinese takeout order?
i dont really like chinese take out but i will go out and turn hot pot into a particularly delicious witches brew
what’s your favourite emoji?
🌿 its so pretty
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
i would like a green house because i adore how they smell, and any room can be a library if you own too many books
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
idk if anyone else will remember this but the old pbs show between the lions, also reading rainbow
Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high Take a look, it's in a book, A Reading Rainbow!
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?
my main blog is turning a decade old this year, and I have really found a beautiful niche on my dash there, mostly art, photographs, film, and book recs
what clothing style do you love but don’t feel compelled to replicate yourself?
ive always liked super androgynous styles, but i am unfortunately built like a short botticellis venus
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
not that i know it well bc you cant, but i would love to get lost on the island from spirited away
what is your favourite piece of art?
my favorite piece ive seen recently are these richard serra sculptures
do you have a water bottle?
yes a very cute little olive green one that keeps me hydrated
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I love a soulmate au, gallavich has made me appreciate au's, and i like a little miscommunication moment
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what’s the weirdest thing in it?
its a small leather tote, and probably my earplugs bc the world is just a little too loud and if i dont carry them all the time ill end up at a concert without them
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
ew uh - they must have a hot cousin, or maybe one of claytons other sons, that would be interesting
what is a fanfic trope you didn’t expect to like and then very much did?
angst, i still dont like being sad but gallavich writers do it so good
do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
yes but it makes his back hurt :/
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
Lip and Debbie got into a fight about it on the front lawn, Liam snuck off with it while they were and hides it in his bedroom
what about you? @solitarycreaturesthey @stocious @i-think-you-mean-reduction @steorie @rainbowbri @mybrainismelted @transmickey
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anyway in other news
today was pretty decent - ben got a case of the sads at about 9pm but actually recovered p fast and without any crying that i saw but he was in the bath for a bunch of the evening so i cannot verify this. the sad attacks are definitely getting more spread out + (i think from an outsider perspective) less intense. i genuinely think as well that we hadn't had sex in ages (ofc the week ana was away my period started so we didnt really bother) which made us both kind of :(
we had sex :) + read to each other. ben asked if we could do more reading out loud to each other at bedtime bc he really liked our matsuo basho reading. i liked it as well - i think i focused much better on teh words than i usually do - so ben picked a shortlist of books to read next (i haven't read a book in like 10y so there's no point me picking one) + i picked one from that + anyway we're reading "this is how you lose the time war" and im reading all of red's bits + he's doing blue. ill be honest... not fully sure about teh writing style... ben used the word florid as a compliment + i would use the same word, but as an insult lol. (very very representative of our characters i think) some of the sentences i really like but so far i cant feel much of a difference btwn red + blue - like if one of them wrote very floridly + one of them wrote very starkly i feel i'd appreciate that more bc you would be getting some insight into the characters but as it stands, the entire thing feels a bit like a creative writing exercise to me. we're not that far in tho so maybe it will capture me more as we go i should send ben some of my fanfic (look it's just a hobby) + see what he thinks lol
we played chess next to each other in bed :) he's been making some tentative little steps into learning / playing the game :)
i had intended on doing more work than i ended up doing but i think sometimes just spending hours and hours with your partner doing not much is the best way to spend a saturday
ana is back now! i forgot to say yesterday but they are back :) i did miss them a lot! whenever we're apart i yearn and pine
god, also! i forgot to say the other day but i needed something to watch while i cleaned my alpaca the other day + settled on red white and royal b lue + it was the tropiest shit ive ever seen in my life. i dont know if it's bc the author (it's an adaptation) comes from fanfic or bc the fanfic style has become indistinguishable from YA style more generally these days but it was kind of nuts to me how much the film could have just been a collection of AO3 tags?? im not even bashing fanfic bc i ahve written it since i was a kid and some fanfic is better than some published work and it's all a rich tapestry. HOWEVER this film was just crazy in its ... nothingness?? it was a perfectly fine watch i guess if you're looking for a princess diaries-y gay romance + god knows there are enough sugary romance films about straight people and those cut from the rainbow cloth also deserve their fair share of merry dross but yeah i was just surprised!! idk
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East Side Mags is super stoked to welcome all 4 members of the creative team behind DARKFORM - an amazing indie comic with talent spreading from Essex County to Venezuela!
Meet the minds behind DARKFORM and get all 4 signatures! Collect them all!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR/CREATOR My name is Marc Saporito, born and raised in Bloomfield NJ, married to my wife Allison for seventeen years. I have seven beautiful children. Caring for them is the driving force behind who I am and what I do!! I Love them so much!! I’m currently a maintenance worker, house painter, and former Christmas tree salesman!!! I remember the days of standing outside in the freezing cold At Plochs home and garden center, selling trees with my Plochs brothers!!! It was a great time every year!! A big shout out to them, you know who you are!!! Many thanks to Anibal for helping me visualize this project and helping me when I thought all hope was lost. Also thanks Junior for working with him. These two Artists are top notch in this field true masters of their craft!! Another big shoutout to my brother Tony and his wife Cecilia, love you both!! To my brother from another mother my producer and friend for over thirty years Daniel Russomano. He is also my creative partner on these projects who didn’t hesitate when I asked him for his help. When he agreed I then knew my lifelong dream was about to happen. The world is going to hear a lot from MDM STUDIOS, because we have a ton to say and create. So sit back and enjoy a new breed of superhero one that’s going to take the world by storm. Last but not least I know the world is a very harsh place at times but we need to help the less fortunate, honestly I try and do my part everyday!!! Thank you. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram under Marco Sappo!! God bless all!!!
My name is Junior Mejias, im a Venezuelan comic book artist and illustrator. My journey into comics began with a anime called Naruto, which I would watch every Saturday night. It made me fall in love with great storytelling and inspired to tell stories through my own art.
I think creating comics is much like creating a film, if not more challenging. As comic book artists we are tasked with bringing a script to life by depicting life, emotion, and movement through nothing but 2D images.
What I found works for me in my approach to creating comics is working backwards. What I mean by that is figuring out how I want the page to end and how that panel will look and go from there. An old professor of mine once told me if you drive without a destination you'll drive forever.
When it comes to artistic influences I have two that come to mind. Greg Capullo who penciled Spawn for many issues. He has spectacular pencils as well as an amazing eye for filling the space, and J Scott Campbell who’s known for his beautiful stylization of comic book women.
My favorite thing about making comics is the penciling alongside great storytelling. I love starting the production and creating something out of a blank page. I like to take my time rendering my pencils so tight they squeak!
On the other hand, my least favorite thing about creating comics would have to be the occasional artists block, sometimes you just cant find the the perfect angle for a specific scene and as a perfectionist I don't settle for anything but the best I can offer.
My name is Daniel Russomano i was born in Newark New Jersey and I reside in Nutley New Jersey . I have a son Daniel, a daughter-in-law Lindsay, a granddaughter Mila and another granddaughter on the way. I have a French bulldog named Rocky and a parakeet named Angel who are best friends. I like spending time with my family and pets. I also like to grow tomatoes in my garden. I like to read and go fishing.
My favorite super hero is of course The Dark Form. I also like all of the other superheroes. If I could choose one super power it would be to have the strength to unite the world in peace.
Marc Saporito and I have been friends and coworkers for over thirty years. So when he approached me about coming on board as a producer and investing in the dark form i said yes. Now we share our ideas and work together to create one of the best stories you will ever read. I am on Instagram @ thedarkform.official.
Anibal Arroyo is an illustrator and self published author. He is mostly self taught but did attend the prestigious Joe Kubert School of Cartooning and Graphic Illustration, achieving a one year certification. He has worked on several independent creator owned projects from graphic novels to children’s books.
He works in a variety of mediums including traditional as well as digital methods. An exceptional sequential artist and storyteller with an incredible eye for detail, Anibal is an asset to any creative project he dives into.
Don’t miss this all-star signing and grab a copy of DARKFORM quadruple signed by all the creators!
#East Side Mags#creative team#Darkform#indie comic#Essex County#Venezuela#signatures#Marc Saporito#Bloomfield#NJ#New Jersey#Plochs#partner#MDM Studios#superhero#storm#Marco Sappo#Junior Mejias#comic book#artist#illustrator#journey#comics#anime#Naruto#love#storytelling#inspired#stories#art
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